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Alex's DBZ RPG 5 // Training

Training Methods

In order to train, you need to post your weekly update on the updates forum. To see an example of such an update, click here. There are five training methods:

Training With Self: Adds +40 all stats per week.
Heavy Training: Cannot spar while doing heavy training. Beneficial to those who are isolated from other characters. Adds +60 all stats per week.
Master Training For Moves: Adds +40 all stats per week, + master specific bonuses, and +4 SP
Master Training For Stats: Adds +100 all stats per week, + double master specific bonuses, and +1 fighting style level per 4 weeks
Partner Training: Done with certain henchmen or another member on the same planet. Adds +42 all stats per week. May be done with up to two other people at the same time. Spars against the person you are partner training with give +40 all stats instead of +35.
Meditation Training: Adds +35 all stats and +25 additional to an extra stat of your choice per week.
Transformation Regulation: A unique training that replaces Heavy Training. Allows you to Elevate one of your Super Forms for 4 weeks, thus making it easier to hold for a long period of time. Reduces Ki Drain of that specific super form by half, down to a minimum of 1%. If the Super Form's Ki Cost is already 1% or less per post, Elevating it gives an extra +2% to a chosen stat instead. Costs 50 SP. Cannot battle while regulating.
Activity Bonus

To reward increased and varied activity each week, if you post at least one roleplay consisting of 300 words or more the week of your update, you may claim an additional +10 all stats on your update as an Activity Bonus. If you completed a quest or a personal saga this week then you may claim +20 all stats instead.

DP, QP & RP Credits
  • 1 DP into any stat = +20
  • 1 DP into any trait = +8
  • 5 DP into any stat = +110
  • 100 DP into any one stat = +2,400 to that stat.

  • 1 QP into DP - 3 DP
  • 1 QP into SP - 3 SP
  • 1 QP into EXP - 15 EXP
  • 10 QP into DP - 35 DP
  • 10 QP into SP - 35 SP
  • 10 QP in EXP - 175 EXP

  • 1 RP Credit = +3 all stats and +3 exp. Limit to redeem 60 per week.
  • 10 RP Credits = +35 all stats and +35 exp Limit to redeem twice per week.
  • 100 RP Credits = +450 all stats, +500 exp, and +500 zeni. Limit to redeem once per month.

  • 1 SP or 1 DP into exp = +2 exp


You will be rewarded for each roleplay you make on the site. Typically you will earn 1 roleplay credit (RPC) per 300 words in sagas and quests and 3 RPC per 300 words in personal roleplays. There are also completion bonuses and saga word count milestones. Rewards can be reduced for very poor quality roleplays, however, so make sure you have proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Leveling Up
  • Level 1-10: 100 exp each level, +200 all stats, +12 all traits, +12 DP, +4 SP
  • Level 11-20: 150 exp each level, +150 all stats, +12 all traits, +12 DP, +4 SP
  • Level 21-50: 200 exp each level: +120 all stats, +10 all traits, +10 DP, +3 SP
  • Level 51+: 250 exp each level, +100 all stats, +10 all traits, +8 DP, +3 SP
  • Every 10 levels: Gain or level up one passive
For a chart of experience needed for each level click here.

Fighting Styles
  • Level 1-5: 1 battle completed or complete 4 spars
  • Level 6-10: 1 battles completed or or complete 6 spars
  • Level 11+: 2 battles completed or or complete 8 spars
  • Win or Loss: +25 EXP, +35 all stats, +50 Zeni, +1 rp credit
  • Forum Spar: +1 RP Credit per 200 words. 10 RP Credit cap.

To do a spar refer to the how to play page. To complete it, both participants should mutually agree when they've had enough and who won.


Battles give +1 RPC per post and the following rewards:
  • Win: +80 EXP, +100 all stats, +1 DP, +3 SP, +500 Zeni, +3% of the 25th strongest fighter on the RPG
  • Loss: +40 EXP, +50 all stats, +1 DP, +2 SP, +200 Zeni, +2% of the 25th strongest fighter on the RPG
  • Saiyan Non-Death Loss: +45 EXP, +100 all stats, +1 DP, +2 SP, +200 Zeni, +3% of the 25th strongest fighter on the RPG

*Adds to power level. Divides gain among all stats (including speed) evenly.


Each level of gravity will increase training gains by +1 all stats. Weighted equipment will increase gains by +1 all stats for each piece equipped while gravity training. You cannot battle while gravity training due to the stress it places on your character's body.

x5, PL: 70,000 = +5 all stats
x10, PL: 85,000 = +10 all stats
x15, PL: 100,000 = +15 all stats
x20, PL: 125,000 = +20 all stats
x25, PL: 150,000 = +25 all stats
Mega Gravitron
x30, PL: 185,000 = +30 all stats
x35, PL: 210,000 = +35 all stats
x40, PL: 235,000 = +40 all stats
x45, PL: 260,000 = +45 all stats
x50, PL: 285,000 = +50 all stats
Ultra Gravitron
x60, PL: 330,000 = +60 all stats
x70, PL: 380,000 = +70 all stats
x80, PL: 430,000 = +80 all stats
x90, PL: 475,000 = +90 all stats
x100, PL: 500,000 = +100 all stats
Titan Gravitron
x120, PL: 660,000 = +120 all stats
x140, PL: 760,000 = +140 all stats
x160, PL: 860,000 = +160 all stats
x180, PL: 950,000 = +180 all stats
x200, PL: 1,000,000 = +200 all stats

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