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Alex's DBZ RPG 5 // Alignment

Each character starts off with a Neutral alignment. It is then up to you on which path you want to take: a life of good or one of evil. Based on your characters actions, your alignment points will either go up (towards good) or down (towards evil). For example, killing someone after a battle might take points away while helping someone in a quest might add them. Once you become Lawful Good, you may never become Chaotic Evil. The same holds true if you are Chaotic Evil you may never become Lawful Good. Once you are either of these extremes, you will be required to keep the "Lawful" or "Chaotic" on your alignment tag at all times. Therefore, if you hit Lawful good and then later become evil, you will be "Lawful Evil."

Alignment Scale
-8 | Chaotic Evil | -6 | -5 | -4 | Evil | -2 | -1 | Neutral | +1 | +2 | Good | +4 | +5 | +6 | Lawful Good | +8

All numbers in yellow constitute a neutral alignment. Once you reach +3 you will have a "Good" alignment while you will be "Evil" if you are -3. Once you obtain +7, you will be "Lawful good" while "Chaotic Evil" if you reach -7. Each alignment has advantages such as unique quests, techniques, and items as well as disadvantages.

Good Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] Only those +3 or above can use the techniques: Heal, Spirit Success Cannon, Luciendar Light Assault, Kamehameha, Kamehameha Energy Dan, Super Kamehameha, Final Kamehameha, and 10X Kamehameha.
[+] Receive +3% Charisma while at +3 Alignment or above.
[+] Several "Good Only" items and quests.
[+] Receive +2 bonus Strength per week from jobs "Teacher," "Sensei," and "Master."
[+] Take 50% reduced damage from Spirit Bomb.
[+] Celestials deal bonus damage to evil enemies when good.

[-] Cannot have a job in the Criminal job path.

Lawful Good Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] Only Lawful Good can use Spirit Bomb and Spirit Sword.
[+] Only Lawful Good can use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
[+] Only Lawful Good can have Guru unlock their potential.
[+] If Lawful Good, take 100% reduced damage from Spirit Bomb.
[+] Can use Dojo of Light and train with Grand Kai.
[+] Receive +3% Charisma bonus while retaining Lawful tag (stacks with Good bonus).

[-] If Lawful Good, cannot Sneak Attack other Lawful Good players.

Chaotic Good Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] Regain the ability to have a job in the Criminal job path.
[+] If Chaotic Good, you may select one technique with the 'Evil Only' descriptor and learn/use it as if you were Evil.
[+] Take 25% reduced damage from Spirit Bomb.
[+] Receive +3% Determination while retaining the Chaotic Tag (in addition to good bonus).
[+] Can use Dojo of Darkness and Train with Lucifer.
[+] You may kill an enemy without taking the -2 to your alignment, so long as that enemy is Evil and/or Lawful.

[-] Cannot have a job in the Laborer job path.
[-]Cannot wish anybody of Evil alignment back to life.
[-] Cannot use techniques with the Lawful Tag.
[-] Cannot use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Evil Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] Only those -3 or below can use the techniques: Galactic Tyrant, Flames of Hell, Daichiretsuzan, Chouz Canosama, Hokaku Kon Dan, Explosive Demon Wave, Planet Cracker, Planet Geyser, and Mortoseth Shadow Assault.
[+] Receive +3% Determination while at -3 Alignment or below.
[+] Can use the best Henchmen.
[+] Several "Evil Only" items and quests.
[+] Receive +50 Zeni per week from jobs "Criminal," "Crime Boss," and "Crime Lord."
[+] Can enter Saiba Training Center on Vegeta.
[+] Celestials deal bonus damage to good enemies when evil.

[-] Cannot have job in the Laborer job path.
[-] Must go to Hell if killed.
[-] Cannot wish anybody of Good alignment back to life.
[-] 15% chance of being instantly killed if successfully hit by a Spirit Bomb.

Chaotic Evil Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] Only Chaotic Evil may use Genocide Attack and Revenge Death Ball.
[+] Only Chaotic Evil may use Tree of Might Seed.
[+] Receive +3% Determination while retaining Chaotic tag (stacks with Evil bonus).
[+] May perform +1 action in their first battle post (action limit cap still applies).
[+] Can use Dojo of Darkness and Train with Lucifer.
[+] May steal an item AND kill if they win a battle.

[-] If Chaotic Evil, cannot use Capsule Corp items.
[-] If Chaotic Evil, 25% chance of being instantly killed if successfully hit by a Spirit Bomb.

Lawful Evil Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] Receive an additional +5 to each correlating stat per week from jobs Mercenary, Soldier, and Military Officer.
[+] If Lawful Evil, you may select one technique with the 'Good Only' descriptor and learn/use it as if you were Good.
[+] Chance of being instantly killed by Spirit Bomb is reduced to 10%.
[+] Can use Dojo of Light and train with Grand Kai.
[+] Receive +3% Charisma while retaining the Lawful Tag (in addition to evil bonus).

[-] Cannot have a job in the Criminal job path.
[-] If Lawful Evil, cannot Sneak Attack other Lawful players.
[-] Cannot use techniques with the Chaotic Tag.
[-] Cannot ToM.

Neutral Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] Receive +10% to all character Traits
[+] Can Train at Midlands, if you do not have Lawful or Chaotic tags.
[+] Can choose two stats to increase by +5% in battle if you do not have the Lawful or Chaotic tags.
[+] Able to learn and use special power up "Ganr's Hand" but only if you don't have Lawful or Chaotic Tag (this does not take a power up slot).

Lawful Neutral Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] If Lawful Neutral, take 25% reduced damage from Spirit Bomb.
[+] Receive +3% to Charisma while Lawful Neutral (stacks with Neutral Bonus).
[+] May travel and train in Heaven if you retain the Lawful tag.
[+] Can use Dojo of Light and train with Grand Kai.
[+] May learn one 'Good' or 'Lawful Good' technique and use it as if you were the correct alignment.
[+] Gain an additional +5 to the correlating stat each week from either Job Set 4 or Job Set 6.

[-] Cannot have a job in the Criminal Path.
[-] If Lawful Neutral, Cannot Sneak Attack other Lawful players.
[-] Lose the ability to learn and use the Power Up technique "Ganr's Hand".
[-] Cannot wish anyone of a Chaotic Alignment back to life.

Chaotic Neutral Advantages & Disadvantages

[+] If Chaotic Neutral, take 25% reduced damage from Revenge Death Ball.
[+]Receive +3% to Determination while Chaotic Neutral (stacks with Neutral Bonus).
[+] May travel and train in Hell if you retain the Chaotic tag.
[+]May learn one 'Evil' or 'Chaotic Evil' technique and use it as if you were the correct alignment.
[+] Can use Dojo of Darkness and Train with Lucifer.
[+] Gain an additional +5 a chosen stat per week from jobs "Criminal," Crime Boss," and "Crime Lord."

[-] Cannot have a job in the Laborer Path.
[-] 10% chance of being instantly killed if successfully hit by a Spirit Bomb.
[-] Lose the Ability to learn and use the Power Up technique "Ganr's Hand".
[-] Cannot wish anyone of a Lawful Alignment back to life.

Changing Alignment

Increase Alignment
  • Certain quests may specify alignment benefits.
  • You may request to receive up to +2 positive alignment from personal sagas.
  • Participating in official sagas.
  • Battling someone of evil alignment and not killing them or stealing anything will give you +1. +2 if they are Chaotic.
  • Holding the job of Sensei for 3 weeks in a row gives you +1 (once per job level).
  • Partner training with a member of +3 alignment or higher for 3 weeks in a row gives you +1.

Decrease Alignment
  • Certain quests may specify alignment benefits.
  • You may request to receive up to -2 negative alignment from personal sagas.
  • Battling someone and killing them will give you -1 if neutral, and -2 if they are of good alignment.
  • Stealing an item gives you -2.
  • Holding the job of crime boss for 3 weeks in a row gives you -1 (once per job level).
  • Partner training with a member of -3 alignment or lower for 3 weeks in a row gives you -1 .



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