Description: A collected 20 year history of the longest running and most popular play-by-post DBZ RPG ever created on the internet: Alex's DBZ RPG.
Format: ebook PDF. 56 pages.
Price: Free!
Description: Alex Hinkley is an expert in nerd psychology who has spent years researching the subject. He provides an in-depth look into the mind of a nerd. What is the difference between a nerd and a geek? Why do nerds seem to troll online video games so much?
Format: Paperback in print 102 pages
or ebook PDF. 50 pages.
Price: $12.00 for paperback. $2.99 for ebook.
Paperback: Buy in paperback
eBook: Buy in ebook
"The comparison Hinkley makes between nerds and trolls is expected but intriguing, and I would highly recommend Nerd Psychology to anyone who wishes to look deeper into why certain gamers behave the way they do." -
This Is Xbox
"Highly recommended to anyone that has their hand in this digital age." -
Gamers Republic
Description: Have you ever wanted to create an online text-based roleplaying game? This book, written by Alex Hinkley, an experienced RPG owner of 10 years, will help you learn how to create and maintain a successful RPG. This book is not meant to help you create an MMORPG that will attract thousands of users and everything is automated. Such games require extensive programming knowledge and skills that an average gamer doesn't have. What this book will help you do is create an online play-by-post forum roleplaying game. In this book you will learn how to how to create and balance items, how to create a well rounded battling system, proper game administration, and much more!
Format: Paperback in print
or ebook PDF. 120 pages.
Price: $10.00 + shipping for paperback. $2.99 for ebook.
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You can thank Ra for the awesome cover art! Edited by the one and only Pan.
"Alex's book is an important work, not just for BBGs but for any administrator starting their own online RPG." -
Michael Tresca, RPG Examiner on
"I had a very enjoyable time reading the book even though I was already knowledgeable in the material. I like that Alex's book is very personal, it's real knowledge from real experience and trial and error." -
Wesley Davis, verified user review.
Did you know...
A quote from my review of Dragon Ball Z "It's Over 9,000!" When Worldviews Collide by Derek Padula can also be found on the back cover of the book.